📚 node [[shareholders |stock holder]]
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⥅ related node [[shareholders]]
⥅ node [[shareholders]] pulled by Agora
They are entitled to certain rights :
- They can hold high managerial positions themselves or
- Vote for [[Board of directors]], (depends on the class of stock)
- Receive dividends when declared by the Board of directors
- To receive the annual financial statements , once they are issued
Intent of shareholders
Gain profit for their money from :
- Dividends
- Appreciation in the market price of the shares
- To gain control over business
What happens when a business is liquidated or sold ?
- All creditors of the business are first paid
- If any funds or assets remain , the shareholders will receive them as per the split
Shareholders have the greatest risk and are also handsomely rewarded if the business picks up
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/shareholders-|stock-holder
- video call at meet.jit.si/shareholders-|stock-holder
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